Sunday, December 22, 2019

Midterm Submission

Masks is a psychological thriller that takes place in an unknown wooded area. Our protagonist played by Daniel McCarthy is running from a group of masked figures. The opening scenes of the film are technically the last in continuity with Dan being shot before the appearance of the title screen. The main issues that we understand need to be revised before our final submission are the audio, cutting, and camera quality. The audio issues stem from files being corrupted and the audio not playing after being able to recover the video. We interjected place holder sounds of people walking and running on grass to give an idea of what should be there. The second issue was the cutting of the videos as some things needed to be cut out due to unwanted noises, talking, or visuals impurities. We are planning to reshoot certain scenes with a gimbaled camera to cut down on shakiness as well. The last issue was the camera quality because of the multiple shoot dates, we were unable to use the same camera. This leads to different saturations, qualities, and audio levels. We are planning to borrow our friend's camera for the entirety of the reshoots to allow for consistently high quality.

Monday, December 9, 2019



We decided to not have any dialogue in our script to help create a nerve-racking atmosphere as no exposition is given to the audience. This lends to our psychological thriller genre. The audience should be able to understand the film as the terrorists are the antagonists and that Dan is the protagonist. The premise our film is that Dan’s character investigated a cult/terrorist organization. The opening scene takes place further on the timeline than most of the rest of the scene. Dan is running from the terrorists and eventually is cornered and killed as the screen cuts to black.

Friday, December 6, 2019


Zachary Groome - The main reason we chose Zach to play the main antagonist was his physical appearance. Zach is 6'6" and has a lanky body type. He also has a metal plate in his arm that doesn't allow him to fully extend it which adds to his character development. The reason these are useful is to create an unsettling character.

Daniel McCarthy - Dan was chosen to play the main protagonists because of his bread. While sounding silly, the beard allows for the audience to easily distinguish him from the antagonists. A reason that he couldn't have been an extra was that his beard would be visible through the costume of the terrorists. He was also chosen because he is part of the group and was obligated to be on set while filming.

Gabriel Vasquez - Gabe was chosen as an extra because he was part of the team and his obligation to the film. He was always around for filming and also kept the costumes to ensure they weren't lost. Gabe would also be able to be available for reshoots if needed.

Shea Braune - Shea was chosen to be an extra because he was part of the team and his obligation to the film. He was always available for filming and reshoots. He was also chosen because over his height and stature which create a different but still intimidating terrorist.

Griffin Roberts - Griffin was chosen as an extra because of his flexible time schedule and eagerness to help with the film. Even though he is not part of the team he said that he would be more than willing to help with anything we needed, including reshooting.

Isabella Ocasio - "Bella" was chosen because of her initial interest in the story that we told her. She is a very patience person, which is good as she is willing to stay and film until the scene was done to the standards that the group liked.

Carter Donovan - While not in the actual film, Carter was responsible for the filming and editing of the film. Carter is part of the team but had prior commitments during the time of filming. He was able to help on set when he was able to be there by providing direction, water, and transportation for actors that did not have cars.


11/2/19: Casting
11/9/19: Filming
11/16/19: Filming
11/22/19: Filming
11/23/19: Filming
12/7/19: Filming

Each filming date started at 11AM and lasted till 1PM. SO far there haven't been any delays as the Terrorists are fully covered and lets us film as long as we have Dan and Zach as the main protagonist and antagonist. Editing and all other production processes we did when the group members had time to do them.

Shot List

Scouting Locations

Urfer Park
Urfer park was our initial idea of where to film as it is a popular park in Sarasota and it has a trail that could have worked for the plot of the movie. With a majority of the film being about running through a forest, it was important for the greenery to feel full and natural and Urfer's trails easily supplied it. The reason that we did not use Urfer's Trails was because of its popularity and the pavement of the trail paths. For our scenes, we needed a trail that was dirt and an area that was almost overgrown and covered the trails because the audiences are not supposed to hear or see any kind of civilization.

Rothenbach Park
Rothenback Park is a large mostly forest trail that would allow for our crew to take advantage of. The forest is not maintained regularly and has an overgrown feel and in some parts, there is nothing but forest within view of a camera. The main issue of filming at Rothenbach is that there is no pest or animal control and because of a large lake/pond that is on the property there are a large number of alligators and snakes. Another issue was the sound, further into the park there is a waste management facility and it can be really loud and would interrupt our filming.

Arlington Park
Arlington Park was brought up briefly for a few scenes that we had in mind that ended up being cut very early on and never really materialized, but the park lacks a wooded area for us to film in and due to the larger cast that we have, we thought that filming in one location would be easier.

Red Bug Slough Preserve
Red Bug Slough Preserve is the choice we ended up making to be the location that we would film on. The preserve has this feeling of eerieness and the trails are mostly hidden from sightlines. The paths are all made up of dirt and sand. The location has very little activity and we found perfect spots for the final part of our movie. Red Bug was our initial pick for the location as one of our crew members will walk the trails frequently and noticed that it would be perfect for the ideas that we had in mind for the project.