Sunday, December 22, 2019

Midterm Submission

Masks is a psychological thriller that takes place in an unknown wooded area. Our protagonist played by Daniel McCarthy is running from a group of masked figures. The opening scenes of the film are technically the last in continuity with Dan being shot before the appearance of the title screen. The main issues that we understand need to be revised before our final submission are the audio, cutting, and camera quality. The audio issues stem from files being corrupted and the audio not playing after being able to recover the video. We interjected place holder sounds of people walking and running on grass to give an idea of what should be there. The second issue was the cutting of the videos as some things needed to be cut out due to unwanted noises, talking, or visuals impurities. We are planning to reshoot certain scenes with a gimbaled camera to cut down on shakiness as well. The last issue was the camera quality because of the multiple shoot dates, we were unable to use the same camera. This leads to different saturations, qualities, and audio levels. We are planning to borrow our friend's camera for the entirety of the reshoots to allow for consistently high quality.

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