Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Project Selection - Film

The reasons that I would choose to make a film for my final project are my skills in video editing and my love of movies themselves. I have always been a fan of the movie making process and when I truly love a film I will spend weeks over analyzing every scene from it, for example, Lords of Dog Town, which is a story about a group of the "original " pro skaters that shaped the sport for its future success is actually a period piece that displays the disparity of the poor and wealthy of South California and the effects it has on impressionable teenagers. I want to go through the processes of creating a movie to see a different aspects and challenges that go into creating a film and how that would change my outlook of one of my favorite pass times.
I have been used video editing software before to make smaller montages of vacations and have a good understand of the basics to create an understandable path for a film to follow. After watching scenes from Newsroom and documentaries on the film-making, I understand the difficulties that film makers run into when it comes to creating a complete story in the editing room but I think that with proper planing the task shouldn't be too much to handle.
The make issue that I see happening with this project is the actual filming process. I am not very good with cameras, angles, or anything that has to do with getting the perfect shot. I would have to rely on my group to get good footage because of my inability to use the equipment needed.

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